Enterprise Surveys Ltd


Enterprise Surveys Ltd

BT - Fibre to the Cabinet

Fibre Optic Broadband Design - BT Superfast Infinity Broadband (NGA / BDUK / SEP)

Enterprise Surveys is one of the main providers of design surveys for the National Rollout of BT's Superfast Fibre-optic 'Infinity' broadband. Involved from the earlier commercial project, the rollout has now more recently moved to the government funded phase (BDUK) and Superfast Extension Programme (SEP) to help provide fibre broadband to 95% of the UK. Producing a cost effective proposed design report and sketch detailing potential options of new fibre cabinet locations to link into the existing BT underground network. This will include scanning and identifying underground services that are to be avoided, checking duct routes and space available for new cables, establishing Highways owned land, pin-pointing power connection locations and liaising with the civils build contractors to ensure a smooth transition from design to build. These surveys are carried out Nationwide and include all the major cities, towns, villages and remote areas with difficult access. Enterprise Surveys will continue to deliver quality, cost effective design solutions to our client and with an end product of such importance to the UK, we are extremely proud to be involved and of our achievements to date.

Below - A typical week of survey locations for the Enterprise Surveys team to complete - each pin shown is usually 1 - 5 surveys